Kitsune ShrineTerms of Service

This agreement is between we, Kitsune Shrine, and you, the Client, for work services performed on a project known as the Work.Terms of Service updated as at 24th March 2023


We, Kitsune Shrine, have the right to refuse projects and requests according to our discernment and capabilities. Some content that we are not be comfortable with representing include:- Fully mech/robotic
- Explicit pornographic NSFW
- Loli or underage
- Excessively muscular form
- Gore or excessively violent
- Blatant copying/plagarism of other's styles
We warrant that the work provided will be our original work performed to the best of our ability. Artistic style is subject to minor changes and flaws as we improve and develop as an artist in the field of digital art and fur crafts.


Communication will take place throughout the entire time we work on your project. Updates usually take place 24 to 48 hours after having worked on your commission, regardless of the amount of work done.We will update (to the best of our ability) on project timeline with updates and bouncing ideas. We will typically ask for feedback when we have something to show. We will let you know if anything is causing delays or priority shifts in the project.We will be using the initial commission communication platform to facilitate communications and send work-in-progress pictures. We will typically respond quickly to queries and DMs from clients but may also take up to one week, which is usually to facilitate communication between the two aforementioned suit-makers.Clients agree to provide all required art, references, information and assets before Work starts and during the process, or it can affect the timeline.


We reserve the right to refuse to accept projects if it does not fit with our scope of abilities that we are comfortable with making.By commissioning, you confirm you are at least 18 and above or have a legal parent/guardian to agree to all of the terms of service as listed above.The date for this agreement is upon the first transaction made.

Payments, Cancellations & Refunds

Prices are in USD internationally, and paid via PayPal invoice or Square or Stripe) or other methods as provided by the Artist. Prices may change depending on complexity of the commission.Before starting the project, the Client pays a 50% down payment for material cost, with the remaining 50% due between the first complete watermarked preview but before final revisions or delivery. Full payment is required for commissions that do not exceed $1000 in value, unless otherwise stated by us.For short-term payment plans (5 or less instalments spanning no more than a total of 6 months), a 5% interest will be added to the total cost. Long-term payment plans (more than 5 instalments or any number of instalments longer than a total of 6 months) will face a 10% to 20% interest fee.A digital invoice will be sent when Work is ready to begin, not during waitlist or consultation process. Do not send a payment without my request. Please show proof of payment, and payment is only confirmed upon receiving on the maker's side.When invoice or payment link is received, the Client agrees to pay within 72 hours unless circumstances are communicated otherwise in advance, or the project/waitlist position may be cancelled by the Artist.If Client requests cancellation, up to 70% may be forfeit if less than 2 days before Work starts or be partially to fully refunded if there is more than 2 week's notice before Work starts. Once Work begins, refund amount may be granted at our discretion and on a case-by-case basis only.If for any unforeseen reason we cannot complete the Work or the Work is significantly delayed, we will take initiative to inform you and provide a partial refund if Work done up to this point is accepted or full refund (excluding 30% non-refundable fee).By engaging on any project, once Work has started, or transactions have been made through Paypal or any payment service provider, the Client acknowledges the makers will only issue refunds on a case- by-case basis. A back out fee of up to but not exceeding $200 will be charged for time-related cancellations and other previously mentioned flaws of the maker mentioned in the Terms of Service. Chargebacks are not permitted and the refund policy as mentioned before will be followed on a case by case basis.Additionally, during a cancellation, we reserve the right to retain and keep unused materials as a part of the 30% non-refundable deposit. Further non-refund of cash will be calculated based on labor costs for completed parts. Hence, a cancelled project will only be able to receive a maximum refund of 70% quoted cost once you have been informed that your project will commence.

Timeline & Process

Kitsune Shrine, as of 2023, are a team of two Part-Time makers (Zylith & Syrazl) who create fursuit costumes in their spare time. Do note that we may have full-time commitments (school / work) which may cause fluctuations and delays in timeline estimates.The completion of the Work requires 1 month at minimum from the date that your commissions has declared to have begun, and may typically last up until 12 months, depending on commission type, complexity, and workload of commissions. Deadlines and timelines will be adhered to in good faith but may not be possible most of the time, as an accurate estimation is difficult to achieve with an irregular work schedule.We do not work with strict deadlines. Please do not commission us if you are unable to work with our need for flexibility.You will be compensated with non-monetary assets (e.g. digital art, fursuit upgrades, custom physical merchandise) if the project has been delayed for an extended amount of time due to unforeseen circumstances. Value and type of compensation will be offered at the discretion of the artist and their capability to fulfil the compensation and initial commission.There may be 1 major revision for each item commissioned shown during the process, not including mistakes made by the Artist. Revision later in the process such as after sewing of parts can only be minor. I will actively reach out adn communicate with pictures for feedback. Please do not hesitate to request further images / videos of products in varying angles.Additional charges may be required for further revisions that may impact the progress and timeline of the project.Delivery of Work-In-Progress images will be delivered via the platform we have been engaged on (e.g. Twitter DM, Messenger, Email).

Rights, Usage & Credits

Kitsune Shrine retains original copyright and ownership of the Work, which includes but may not be limited to redistributing, reproducing, advertising, displaying the Work in my websites, social media and portfolios according to our discretion. We have the rights to repurpose unused process work for future projects, personal or otherwise.The process and other work-in-progress images will likely be posted i.e. on Twitter and/or streamed on Twitch or Youtube unless Clients request otherwise before project begins. An NDA or confidential commission status may be subject to a +25% fee.Clients are granted exclusive rights for personal use of the Work produced as agreed upon, which must not be transferred to any other parties without our acknowledgement.Personal use includes:
(ex: Social media profile pictures, signatures, layouts, themes, wallpapers, personal website display, social media posts, physical prints and products) that is not for sale or distribution to any other party.
Unless specified in the commission information or otherwise discussed and agreed upon, commercial licenses and reselling rights are not included. Commercial means usage on streams, broadcast content, or any monetized work (i.e. including but not exclusive to: merchandise, monetized videos, music releases); and reselling rights means selling the Work to another party or another platform or on any platform. If the client intends on using the product in commercial content, they are to seek separate permission to be granted at the discretion of Kitsune ShrineAny Work done or made available to the client must not be used for AI (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, AI/ML Training, NFT, blockchain or any for profit platforms or purposes. Such usage is completely prohibited and may result in legal action taken.Approved commercial licenses require additional charges of 100% or on a case-by-case basis at our discretion.Clients may not claim Work as their own or anyone else’s and therefore must credit me as the Artist using my social tag: @KitsuneShrine . Please ask us for our socials if you cannot find us on the platform.